Tuesday, 26 March 2013

12 Months ~ Letter to August

Master August Willem Birthday Boy,

Today you are ONE!! 

A year ago today you entered this world loudly and quickly at 3.15am...the second you were placed on my belly I knew this love was eternal...it will never die...only continue life, after life, after life. I remember looking into your navy blue eyes and questioning what name suited you best. All the ones that were top of the list swam away and I didn't know who you were going to be.
Did you know it took Papa & Me 4 days to work it out? You were (and in someway will always be) Pip for quite a while!!

This year has been so eventful, special, exciting and such fun.
You always surprise me, make me laugh & make me think. I hope this year has been as wonderful for you. You have grown so much, and in this last month your personality is just getting bigger & bigger too. You like to have the odd screaming fit & throw you spoon across the kitchen, surly the terrible twos haven't come already? I however know you are testing your boundaries and I hope I'm being patient with you.

Papa has been ill and we have had to postpone your pirate party. I however couldn't not put up your pirate pom poms, flags, bunting & a few balloons. We sang Happy birthday and you tried chocolate cake for the first time! It was sweet and perfect. Nana was there too. You have so many lovely presents & cards. It always touches me how many people love and cherish you. 

You have mastered the crawl...at last!
Your top teeth have come through
You were ill for the first time :(
You have a new found love of toast with cream cheese
You happily walk around the furniture
You have all your toys in the dressed and love to take them all out!
You love to stack things together
You will feed yourself if the food is on the spoon.
You love to copy us...when we drink you do...when we eat you want to.
You have a new buggy which you seem to love.
you find it such fun to empty my make up bag.
You say La La La.

You are so kind Auggs. You love to share everything you have, from a biscuit to handing me some fluff on the floor you have discovered...it is so sweet.  As I helped you blow out your candles I wished you would always cherish this quality. It will get you far in this crazy beautiful world of ours!

This time last year I was learning how to change nappies, bath you & feed you. I had to learn what you needed, your cries, your routine. The learning curve is so steep but so amazing.
You have taught me so much, brought me so much joy and light, given me a wonderful gift I only dreamed of.

You are the star I wished on, the twinkle of our eye, the long awaited dream.
I wish you another wondrous year of fun, learning, love, magic and joy.
May all your dream come true Always Pip.

Love Always,

Friday, 22 March 2013


Sick baby, sick husband, grumpy dog, knackered Mum!! It seems March has it in for us. 

Lots of cuddles, snoozes on shoulders, and quiet moments reminded me of the early day with this little Pickle....that was a treat...I also ate Lunch for 2 days running...bonus!

Auggy has a new toy box and is now never out of our scottish dresser...filled with all his toys, books and games...our living room looks grown up again!

The pickle is now well, but Papa is not...the dog has picked up on the general gloom, and is totally fed up with us sad sacks!

He also hates his photo being taken, and a small human disturbing his nap...
August laughs at him when he howls and if he comes into his room...he also waves at him, which is still cute!

He is one next week...boom...mind blown!

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Happy Mummy Day

Mothering Sunday was just lovely. It was Mine and my darling sisters first...we celebrated with roast pork  & bubbles! Our Ma bought us beautiful pink sweetpeas which was a lovely surprise.
She also got the babes an early Easter pressie of Bunny ears! Every body loves a baby in bunny ears :)

Yep he is still rocking them! I think he likes the limelight...maybe he is an actor in the making!

A truly happy day with everyone I love and cherish.
Here is to many more

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Growing Pains

 Chuckles, giggles, laughter, chortles they all brighten my day equally.
Life is full of them and I am so thankful for it! 
My little man is growing up too quickly, everything is changing, clothes packed away for the next bundle of joy, new car seats, bath seats, the list is endless!

A slight change around in August's room was in order too. We lowered the cot, as he has begun to stand up in bed! We have also had to take away the adored mobile, as he was trying to eat it, and the fear of it wrapping around his neck was too great for my nerves. I think it has a more grown up look. However it pains me to see our tiny newborn disappear and being taken over by a full on toddler, but i am looking forward to the next stage of our bambinos life. 

Why does it go so quickly?
It was a minute ago we brought him home from the hospital wasn't it?
One year old in 20 days...crazy head spin!

Saturday, 2 March 2013

11 Months ~ Letter to August

Hey Pickles,

Firstly....You only have gone and got a blooming TOOTH!!!!!! this is a major break through for you, and now you have one, the bottom center left, the right one is also half way out. It has been a long time coming, and Papa and me did a dance around the living room when it arrived!

You do not sit down for any longer than it takes you to eat, after that you are on the move. You love the foot stool and go around and around it all day. Working from stool to chair to sideboard and back again, you never tie of it. You have started to head for the kitchen, but there is a lack of surfaces to prop you up. I often wonder if your bored, but this simply routine gives you so much joy. You dont seem to need a huge amount to keep you happy, but we are looking into new courses which will get you socializing more.

You still love water, from the running tap, to your drink spilt and played with over the dining table. It is my aim is to get you swimming soon, especially with summer coming and maybe a holiday being booked...on with sunshine and a pool!

I can honestly say that you are the most fun and beautiful soul, and I am so proud that in some way I have helped develop that. Yes you are still a Pickle, you have your moments, but they never last long. You are going to be a big character August. You have grown too quickly and you will be one this month, which i find so difficult to believe. This time last year i was so excited to finally meet you...you loved to make my belly wriggle and kept Papa & Me so amused....nothing has changed except we get to see your handsome smile and gummy grin now....what a fabulous time we are having darling boy. 

You love eating bananas straight from the banana, no mashing required
You love hair
You love Gregory the Giraffe
You love the fringing on anything, rug, scarf, clothing, throws; in fact you have a love of texture and love to scratch your fingers down any new surface. Papa has told me your great Oma also did this!
Standing is the new sitting up.
You love to sip from a cup you always have a huge grin after.
You walk perfectly in your walker, and even go backwards
You have started opening cupboards, emptying box and bookcases.
You pick up fluff from the carpet with great intrigue and care.
You have a new big boy car seat, and you seem to like being able to see us and out the window.
You will still eat anything
Wheaty carrot puffs rock your world!

You are so confident little man. You greet everyone with smiles and sparkling eyes. Everyone who meets you thinks you are just wonderful (you get that from your Papa :)).
I cant help but think that this skill will be with you forever. I see you as a friendly, happy and content leader of the bunch, the strong one people will go to for advice and help. This doesnt mean you can get a big head you must stay grounded and wise darling boy.

Remember August;

To be kind
Be an example
Work hard
Tell the truth
Have courage
Laugh Always
Live and Love with all your heart
Follow your bliss 

The next letter will be 12 months... a whole year! Wow that fact is still blowing my mind.

I love you Pickles
Forever & and a day