Wednesday 7 December 2011

Pip's First Sinterklaas

The flight was no different with a Pip in my belly thankfully!
It didn't snow.
 We sat in a the most stunning cafe in Haarlem, surrounded by friends and watched the world and all the bikes go was blissful.

Pip got his/her first presents from Sinterklaas, spoilt is the word of the weekend. We have raided HEMA and bought all Pips clothes for the first few months of his/her life...all so fantastic, all so Dutch!!!

My Dutch menu reading is getting much better...the Pip is on full view now.

A busy trip Home for the Wonderful one...many good luck wishes for March & Pip...a gallon of coffee drunk....suitcases full to the brim with baby loveliness...Family and friends enjoyed....Nephews treated to human horse rides, cuddles, and bedtime stories.
Exhausted but.....Mission accomplished!!

Thank you everyone

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